Quick Links: Judicial Matters

eCourt Kokua
The Judiciary Information Management System (JIMS) eCourt Kōkua provides access to information from traffic cases in the District Courts of the State of Hawai'i.
JEFS allows electronically filing for all cases in the Hawaii Intermediate Court of Appeals, for all cases in the Hawaii Supreme Court, and for criminal cases in the Hawaii District Courts.
Court Forms
To access free interactive interviews that create court forms and legal documents to assist self-represented individuals.

Quick Links: Immigration Matters

USCIS Case Status Online
Track your application or petition as it moves through the immigration process.
EOIR Case Status
Users can dial 240-314-1500 or 1-800-898-7180 (toll-free) to obtain case status information 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
USCIS FORMS ARE FREE: Download them on this site or order forms by mail or by calling 1-800-870-3676. Don't pay anyone for copies of our forms.
InfoPass 预约
請注意:在您赴約時,USCIS 不會提供口譯服務。自帶的口譯人員 可以是專業翻譯或親朋好友,但需年滿21歲,且能在英語和您選擇的語言之間進行翻譯。

Quick Links: Attorney Matters

Hawaii State Bar Association.
Fastcase puts the whole national law library on your desktop, with online access to cases, statutes, regulations, court rules, and bar publications, right at your fingertips.
Hawaii Revised Statutes 2015.

Call Us Today: ( 808 ) 228 - 9749; Office: 810 Richards St. #639, Honolulu, HI 96813

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